New Beginning!

What the world sees as an end of a caterpillar, is it’s emancipation into a beautiful butterfly. New life! New
beginning! SPARRC evolves magnificently merging its two centres into one at Alwarpet & Anna Nagar.

Our New Anna Nagar Address:
Plot no 936, Door no 116 , 6th Avenue, Anna nagar, Chennai – 40
Ph 044-42170256 / 9790944609 / Ph 044-65552530 /984050999

Sparrc Annanagar








Our New Alwarpet Address:
No4, Alwarpet Street, Alwarpet (land mark : behind Panasonic Show room / opp to Old Madras baking company)
Ph 044-45066131/ 044-42059405 /9790944605 / 9840001721

Sparrc alwarpet


  • K.S.Parthasarathy,
    7 years ago Reply

    Dear Doctor Kannan Pugazhendi,

    My wife, Sow.P.Aravinda, Aged 60, was suffering from complete knee pain and doctors at many hospitals have advised bone problem.

    After hearing Sparrc therapy treatment, we want her to be relieved as much as possible from her knee pain and be able to walk freely.

    After the consultation from you doctor, and with your esteem guidance acqua and physio has been done.
    Physio Nandhini patiently attended to my wife and feels fully comfortable and exercise is going on at Vellachery Branch.

    Thank you very much doctor.

    2 months ago Reply

    A letter of thanks
    I have approached SPARRC along with my brother on 5 october2024 with severe pain in my left leg from hip to toe after trying various remedies from several hospitals but in vain. After seeing my MRI report, the therapists of SPARRC have identified my problem and assured us that I can be cured by physiotherapy . After excellent guidance by Ms. Agasthia for a period of one month Iam glad to record that my pain has vanished. Now I have regained my health to do my house hold duties happily. I am an asthmatic patient and was using Foracort spray for several years to keep my lungs in good condition. After following the breathing exercises taught by SPARRC now I no longer need the spray. My heart felt thanks to Ms. Agasthia for her remarkable work . warm regards, R. Indra

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