Sparrc helped my son win Gold medals! in swimming competition

” Would like to share few things here…..My son SK Adarsh Narayan  started his swimming career 9 years ago and won nearly 300 medals and still hunting for a international medal and get laurels to our Nation and State. After Adarsh joining Sparrc team in 2010, we have seen  drastic changes with his swimming skills, before joining the team he used to get tired easily while swimming work out especially during gym work outs. But as per Dr Kannan Pugazhendi’s instruction his team took care of my son, they conducted thorough assessment and suggested few techniques example they said for each sport the body flexibility will be different, they said Adarsh needs to learn few techniques and work hard practising them to get his achievement.   He had muscle tightness in some parts of the body and there was some body correction suggested by Doc, as per instruction my son worked hard and at last in the year 2011 in Nationals junior swimming aquatic championship held in bhopal he achieved 4 gold and 3 bronze medals in south zone swimming competition held in bangalore he achieved 3 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze and in the National school games held in sholapur he got 2 gold and 2 silver medals. We appreciate sparrc team here, they showed  personal atttention, without them this would not be acheived by Adarsh.  We once again thank Dr kannan pugazhendi team who has joined in my son’s acheivement. We always look forward for your co operation with Adarsh in upcoming international events too and also hoping to participate in the 2016 olympic games “

Thanking you,

K I Sasidharan (father of swimming champ SK Adarsh)


  • Ashish
    8 years ago Reply

    I want to join your institute,i want your guidance so that i can participate in various swimming competetion.
    My current location is hyderabad
    Your guidance can make my dream come true

    • venu
      8 years ago Reply

      Hi I want to go swimming competition can u help me I was a fast swimmer in khammam dist

  • Kishore Kothuru
    8 years ago Reply

    Interested in Taking classes for my9 year old son

  • D.Lumanraj
    8 years ago Reply

    How to join with sparrow.. I am in chennai.

    8 years ago Reply
    8 years ago Reply

    I lived in chennai I know swimming but I have no guidance and I want to join your institution and participate competition

  • vamshi
    8 years ago Reply

    Sir I have pertispated in state level computations. But now I have no guidance please help me 2 prove my self

  • sujata vakare
    8 years ago Reply

    My brother has interest in swimming, he is 13 years old, we are planning for swimming as career. kindly let us know if there is any full time course for the same in your institute and other details.

  • sivvanath
    7 years ago Reply

    hello sir iwant intrested participate in national and state levels so plz guide them sir

  • R.senthil nathan
    7 years ago Reply

    Hello,as my son is very good in swimming he was at the age of 12 he acchived more medals he represented for tamilnadu and begged medals.We are in chennsi now his perfomance was seems to be slow pls guide regards this.He was top in tamilnsdu state but at national meet he was not performing pls guide sir

    7 years ago Reply

    I want to join your institute,i want your guidance so that i can participate in various swimming competetion.
    My current location is Nellore i want your guidance can make my dream come true

  • S Sivakumar
    7 years ago Reply

    I want to put my son in your institute he is 10 years old and good in free style, butterfly want to grow him professional swimming and participate in competition., he has won in interschool level competition.

  • Victor
    7 years ago Reply

    Want to start my carrier as swimmer

  • Victor john
    7 years ago Reply

    I Want to learn swimming….

  • Laxmikanth
    7 years ago Reply

    I want to start my career in swimming to tech new kids and other students is there any certification course?

  • N yuvarajkrishnan
    7 years ago Reply

    I know swming but I have to achieve

  • ruthvik
    7 years ago Reply

    sir i need a coach for me to train me sir i am a advance level swimmer sir i needur help

  • Mohammed shahed pasha
    7 years ago Reply

    Respected sir.
    As I am Mohammed shahed pasha citizen of hyderabad telangana I want to make proud to be a India in whole world with my swimming talent..

    Now I’m pursuing ssc and my age is 16 year.

    So, I request u to plz give me a chance to show my best in swimming competition .

  • jayaprakash
    6 years ago Reply

    Am interested in swming comparation, my age 25

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